Tbilisi Museums
Tbilisi, capital of Georgia, has a very rich cultural and historical heritage. Among them are museums, the collections of which serve as unique introductions to the cultural heritage of Georgia (and not only Georgia). Sixty museums of various types (art, history, memorial, literature and others) situated in Tbilisi make it possible for visitors to explore the unique culture of the country.
S. Janashia History Museum
3, Shota Rustaveli avenue, 0105 (+995 32) 2 997 176

D. Shevardnadze National Gallery
1, Shota Rustaveli avenue, 0108 (+995 32) 2 997 176

Shalva Amiranashvili Musuem of Art
1, L. Gudiashvilist. 0105 (+995 32) 2 997 176